Could the Vikings Win a Super Bowl?
I don’t think the Vikings will win Super Bowl so because Brett Fave said on ESPN that the Vikings won’t even make it to the playoff. The Vikings have a lot of injures like Sidney Rice has a hip injures he might be back next week against the Packers the Vikings may win that game because they might get their star wide receiver Sidney Rice . Percy Havin still has migraines but he’s still playing well. Brett Fave has a bad ankle and he’s 60 years old. The Vikings have no chance to make it to the Super Bowl and not even the playoffs The Vikings are in trouble with a lot of injures they lost some good players like Randy Ross he got kicked off of the Vikings because he had locker room problems then. A lot of people don’t like Brad chillness because he calls bad plays and saying bad things about players. Percy Havin is good player because he made some diving cachets his year. Sidney Rice was great last year but his year he’s hurt but he’ll be back. Last year the Vikings made it to the playoffs but I say if Brett Fave didn’t throw that interception they would have won the game and maybe just maybe win super. But I think that will take a metrical. But I still like the Vikings there’s one thing there’s a key word Vikings it’s kings.
If the Vikings keep winning games they have a change to make it to the playoffs
T: The Vikings have no change to make it to the super bowl or I think to even the playoff